Eric recently sat his 3rd grade AMEB piano exam and passed with flying colours! He received honours, receiving an A as well as a slew of praise and encouraging comments from AMEB examiner Peggy Shen, LMusA, LTCL, MCrMusTh, BMusBEd, AMusA.
His technical work, site reading and general knowledge were "accurate and well prepared", and overall he presented a "musical and well prepared programme, demonstrating good stylistic awareness and musicality."
His Midnight Ride was "rhythmically played with reliable and clear finger work", in Spanish Dance he demonstrated a "Tango style carefully studied and understood," and his "good attention to score detail was appreciated".
He finished off his programme with the stunning I Dreamed a Dream, which was played with a "musical tone and awareness of expressive shaping and phrasing." Of note also were his exceptional finger legato and well aligned hands.
Congratulations Eric, can't wait to see what you tackle next!